第4章 准备竞赛
作品:《遇见你,洋洋得懿》 早上到班里,桌子上有一张纸,一看竞赛报名表,3项一个人必报2项,这不是把刀架到脖子上吗?,强人所难,问了一下班长,大家都报那个多一点,班长说:“当然是汉字拼音和语文作文了,用你脚趾头想都是这。”可我跟其他同学不一样啊,我虽然是班里的语文课代表,但是确有一大弱点就是拼音不好,跟我唱歌五音不全有一拼,主要是音调太难掌控,一声平二声仰三声拐弯四声降完全搞不动,拼出来字的味道都变了,我自认为我的普通话很强,所以我是我们班为数不多的例外,别人都是因为英语是强项所以参加英语朗诵,而我就是因为拼音相比英语还烂,真让人头大,我参加了一个语文作文和英语朗诵。表一交上去,大格就跑了过来,大格:“你疯了,你是觉得你英式发音好还是美式发音好,你报英语朗诵。”冯懿:“她是觉得自己普式英语较强,不要拦她,别耽误了未来栋梁。”上课了,语文课,老师叫背书,趁着班里在背书,我:“同桌,我的好同桌,你说那一篇英语朗诵比较不说朗朗上口吧,就是能顺下来的,给推荐一篇呗,你也不想你同桌为此光荣牺牲成为全年级最大的笑话丢咱高一一班的脸吧。”冯懿:“你自己有没有读的稍微熟练的课文,或寓言故事。”我:“没有,我文化底蕴你还不门清,都快一学期同桌了,你见那篇文章我自己顺下来过。”冯懿:“得,得,我没必要跟你说这么多,唉,那个英语练习册第六单元那不是有个寓言故事,樊老师刚讲过,发音也讲了,你就朗诵那个吧。”我:“会不会太草率啊,显的不庄重。”我一扭头,冯懿脸都青了,冯懿:“你想要什么“庄重”。你说,周五就要读,你来的急吗?。”我一想也是哈今天都周三了,赶紧偷偷的把英语书翻出来,别人在背语文,我在偷摸补英语,悲惨,这篇也太逗了吧,老鼠爸爸嫁女儿,有点意思我:“he wanted to marry his daughter to the greatest person in the world. but, who was the greatest person in the world?
oh! the sun! he must be the greatest person in the world.
the mouse father went to talk to the sun.
“hello! mr. sun. i know you are the greatest person in the world.
would you marry my daughter?”
“what? i’m not the greatest person in the world. the greatest person is the cloud.
if he comes out, i’ll be covered.”
the mouse father went to talk to the cloud.
“hello! mr. cloud. i know you are the greatest person in the world.
would you marry my daughter?”
“what? i’m not the greatest person in the world. the greatest person is the wind.
if he comes out, i’ll be blown away.”
the mouse father went to talk to the wind.
“hello! mr. wind. i know you are the greatest person in the world.
would you marry my daughter?”
“what? i’m not the greatest person in the world. the greatest person is the wall.
if he comes out, i’ll be stopped.”
the mouse father went to talk to the wall.
“hello! mr. wall. i know you are the greatest person in the world.
would you marry my daughter?”
“what? i’m not the greatest person in the world. the greatest person is you, the mouse.”
“the greatest person in the world is … mouse?”
“yes, the greatest person in the world is mouse. see? if mouse comes out, i’ll be bit!”
the mouse father was very happy.
he finally knew mouse was the greatest person in the world.
he would marry his daughter to the handsome mouse next door.
”神仙剧情,英语句子也是来回重复,只改变了名词,就这样,我那一天,脑子里都是“毛丝”老鼠。左右的同学都在我的洗脑下都会了这篇小故事,只不过都无情的嘲笑了我的发音,头疼啊!。我:“冯同学,冯同学,听闻你热心助人,帮张同学一个小小忙,不能拒绝,你就听我读,然后帮我纠正发音就行了。”冯懿:“读。我:“once 0n a time。”冯懿:“打住,你第一句就没感情,太平了,懂。”我:“那要怎么读。小声一点吗?。”冯懿:“语序慢一点,自然一点,到后面稍微重一点,还有人家这是嫁女儿,欢快一点,你读的跟抢新娘一样。”回家多听一下网上别人标准发音。我:“。。。。。。。”被冯懿怼的没脾气,不过确实是我的问题,英语这搞定了,晚上还有语文作文头疼,待想一想大概出那个范围的题目,回去翻翻例文。